We are not just physical beings. We are not just the skins we touch and smell.
We are more complex than you may think. For around us all there are energies
surrounding us all. Such energies have been recently called Electromagnetic
energies. This has been described by colorful or body light energies aka Your
Aura. The Elctromagnetic energy field takes part on every level we associated
with: physical Body, Mental form emotion, etc.
But how does it do this?
Simple as I can say it flows through us all. Flowing through concentrated
spirals of energy. In Yoga Hinduism these spirals of energies are called
Chakras. Chakras in Sanskrit means "Wheels of light", "Wheel", "Turning" and
"Spinning Wheel".
There are Seven main Chakras. Plus a very huge amount of smaller Chakras, about
millions of smaller ones. These wheels of light interact with so many things
it is very hard to list everything that effects us by just the wheels of light.
But here is are a few.
-The Body of course from Head to Toe.
-Our emotions.
-Endocrine glands.
-Lymphatic system.
By feeding them good energy and getting rid of wasteful energy. By feeding them
with good energy and getting rid of wasteful energy. Like how the heart does
to the blood cells. If we nourish our Chakras in the correct way it can be an
easy way to prevent diseases.
I am trying to introduce you to bio- energies. Unlike energies you learn in
Chemistry or Physics. Such as kinetic, Magnetic, Solar, etc. i will be trying
my best to explain these bio energies. By using the term of Auras. The main
origin of Chakras is in India.
Chakras are fundamental ways to figure out healing and yourself and your
elements. I will be sharing ways to do so by colours, crystals, Sound, and a
Number of other ways including Yoga.
This is for Beginners, Healers, and Practionairs.
I will also share some other Chakras that are not based on the major seven
Chakras. Such as the Earth star and Casual Chakra. The Chakras as a whole
are placed within other traditions not just Hinduism and in Yoga. Such as the
Kabbalah, Sufism, Inca, taoism, Mayan, Teaching, and Shamanism.
The energies that are extrnal called Elctromagnetic energy field is commonly
called The Aura. An Aura is in some definations a rainbow of light surrounding
the body. In many beliefs Everything has an aura from living beings to
inaminated objects. There are people who have a very sensitive sight or
feeling on these bio energies/Auras. Some people say your aura stays the same
others say it is consantly changing. I myself believe taht they change on our
moods. Also this constant change is not just caused by emotions but as well
as your health and spiritual self/development.
Okay well I am going to try to explain an aura by using a rainbow. Now a
Rainbow is always infront of us and teh sun is behind us. Right? Red, orange,
yellow, green, blue, indigo, and Violet. I like to call those colours
ROY G BIV. Since no two people can be in the same exact place and same time,
each person see's a slightly different rainbow. In the same way we see
peoples auras differently. We each have our own perspective in teh bio
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